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What is The Night?

It is difficult to label this project. The Night is many things, a website, a blog, an online newspaper, a portfolio, a way of being, it is expression, The Night is me, but you are too.

The idea was born to me now never two years ago, I wanted to tell the facts that I saw around me, but also to narrate myself.
I started writing newspaper articles about the fall of a famous bridge, and together I attached a made up story of mine that plausibly tells the event from a different point, that of a girl in a car driving home from the university that was at that moment on the bridge.

After a long time I made up my mind and here we are,
a site that tells facts, tells stories, talks with its readers and himself the self-narrator, describing the person behind it.

If I had to sum it up in one sentence, I'd say The Night is storytelling.

The Night is structured in this way:

  • Home, this is the home page, which is the one you are on now. This page is only a preview, it is used to go into the project and choose how you want to continue.

  • Version, the version is found in the top right. It's not about the patch number, it's about the language,

in fact this site has its own clone totally in English. This is because I know many of you are British and that way it can reach more people.

  • Menu, clicking on the moon will open the drop-down menu. The menu is used to navigate the different pages and reach the goal of your interest (I was tired of the usual horizontal menus).

      Each page has the explanation inside.

  • Color, it may seem trivial but the choice of colors goes a long way. Each color has its own advertising psychology, in this case you will see a lot of black (elegance), purple (tranquility) and gold (safety). The keys will use transparency and red to attract attention.

How is it structured?

The Night

"The more you already know, the more you still have to learn." Nietzsche


Why this name?

The Night, the night. The night is the cradle of tranquility and emotions. During the night, while everyone is asleep and no one is looking at us, we can be ourselves. Emotions flow quickly, we are assailed by thoughts and memories on which we can decide to stop or let go.
During the night we can admire the darkness or approach the window and discover the world, wrapped in black and illuminated by some street lamps. During the night we can give free rein to our passions, we can read billions of words and pages, we can stay awake to watch a movie, study or disconnect from everyday life.
The night, the antithesis of the day, of forced work, during the night, within us, everything is allowed to us.

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